ABEM Terrameter LS Toolbox
Figure 2. Tree structure location setup dialog
A tree structure can eventually become very large as more and more project groups,
projects and instruments are added. If a project group is removed from the tree the
data will not be deleted, but it may be desirable to keep the Terrameter LS projects
organised in project groups e.g. for possible future re-processing of the data. Instead
of removing the project groups it is possible to start a new tree structure in a different
directory of the computer, in this way it is possible to go back to an old tree structure
view at a later point.
The software is not designed to handle more than one
user of a tree structure at a time! The Terrameter LS
Toolbox functionality cannot be guaranteed and tree
structure information can be lost if users from two or
more computers attempt to access a common tree
structure at the same time.