ABEM Terrameter LS Toolbox
To add topography either import topography information from a file, or press the
button to add the topography data directly into the list. To import topography
information from a file press the
Import from file
button. In the open box select to
open files of the type “Topography text files (*.txt)” and select the file with the
topography information. When the data has been imported they will be shown in the
columns “World X” and “World Z”. The X values are assumed to be from the start of
the cable spread. If needed to show the values from a horizontal view it can be
changed in the drop list and the “World X” values will be recalculated.
A topography text file uses the following format
10 1
15 1
20 1.5
25 2
The first column is the X value (meters along your cable spread) and the second
column is the elevation value. The elevation value can be a relative value (starting at
zero and changing up or down along the profile) or an absolute value (e.g. meters
above sea level).
To use the LS Toolbox to add topography press the button
Add layout
. It is now
possible to edit the columns “World X” and “World Z”. The X value is the meters
along your profile, and the Z value is the elevation value for that X coordinate.
The elevation value cannot change more than the
distance between the current and previous X value, the
inclination/declination cannot be more than 45 degrees.
E.g. in the above example of a topography text file the
elevation for the fourth row cannot be more than 6, as
the delta X value is 5 and the previous elevation value
was 1.