ABEM Terrameter LS Toolbox
Figure 35. The right click context menu of the data table
One or more data points can be selected using the shift
and control keys combined with mouse clicks in the
standard Windows way (Figure 36).
Figure 36. Several data points can be selected and filtered away at the same time
The context menu has the following items:
Filter datapoint(s): will filter out the selected data point(s) from the handled data
point set
Show datapoint(s): will restore the selected data point(s) to the handled data point
Select all: selects all data points
Export visible: will export the current data point set using the Data Export dialog (see
chapter 5.2.2). The Export only visible columns checkbox will be checked.
View full waveform for selected: will open the Full Waveform page for the first
selected data point in the table
View IP decay curve for selected data point: will open the IP Decay Curve page for
the first selected data point in the table
View IP decay curve for selected measurement: will open the IP Decay Curve page for
the first selected measurement in the table