ABEM Terraloc Pro 2
Troubleshotting and Diagnostics
Although great care has been taken to make Terraloc Pro 2 as reliable as possible, there
is always a small risk that something does not work properly. Should you have trouble
getting things to work please refer to this chapter. This is a guide to common problems
and how to work them out.
General SeisTW Program Problems
These errors are generally related to the software.
8.1.1 The Program Does Not Start
There should normally be no problem starting SeisTW in the Terraloc Pro 2 once it has
been installed. However, if SeisTW does not start when starting the instrument the
program might need to be reinstalled. Contact Guideline Geo support team at
Data Acquisition Problems
The data acquisition problems can range from errors in the setting up of the system for
measurement, over hardware problems, to errors in the settings in the software.
8.2.1 Terraloc Pro 2 Only Waits For Confirmation When Arming
If the instrument shows the status message "<<<Pending ARM ...>>>" when you try to
arm the instrument, it means that
External Arm Input
mode is set to TTL Rising edge
or TTL Falling edge. If it is, it will wait for an external arm signal to arrive before it
arms itself. This is used when you interconnect two or more Terraloc Pro 2 instruments
(chapter 2.6).
If you use one Terraloc Pro 2 only, no external arm will arrive, hence the Terraloc Pro
2 never arms (unless you have some other external device that confirms the arm
command). Set
External Arm Input
to Off and the arming will be normal (chapter
8.2.2 Dead Channels/Traces
Check the
Receiver Spread
dialog for the settings of the "Stack On" and "Trace On"
parameters (chapter 4.6.8). You should also check the reference channel setting in the
Layout Geometry
dialog (chapter 4.6.9).
8.2.3 Data Is Not Displayed
Check if you have selected Fast Stack as stacking mode, as this causes data not to be
displayed on the screen (chapter In case of Auto Stack, Preview and Single,
check that the "Trace" parameters in the
Receiver Spread
dialog are activated (chapter
8.2.4 Large Offset
Check offset level and do not worry if it is less than 2000 units.
8.2.5 Incorrect Channel Order
Either one cable, at least, has been reversed in the layout or the channel assignments
are erroneous. Check the cable and/or the channel assignments in the
Receiver Spread