ABEM Terraloc Pro 2
Change number of channels if needed
Enter what type of measurement is to be performed.
Enter the required record length
Press <ENT> to select
Figure 8 Wizard Mode second dialog
Enter geophone spacing
Change direction of cables if needed
Enter Trigger position if needed
Enter Trigger position increment if needed
Enter Energy source type if needed
Press <ENT> to select
The instrument will use recommended settings for selected measurement
Press <ARM>. This arms the instrument and makes it ready to trigger and
record a trace. The status bar (at the bottom of the screen) displays the message
Press <CTRL> + <ARM> to force the instrument to trig. The message
"<<< TRIGGERED >>>" is displayed in the status bar, shortly followed by
“Transferring data…”, “Data in memory” and then “<<<ARMED>>>”.
The recorded data is displayed in the three frames at the center of the screen. To
change view options, press <9>