ABEM Terraloc Pro 2
Moving the
Trace Marker
between traces
Press <LEFT> to move the marker to the previous trace or from the first to the
last trace (wrap around)
Press <RIGHT> to move the marker to the next trace or from the last to the
first trace (wrap around)
Press <SHIFT> + <LEFT> to move the marker to the first trace
Press <SHIFT> + <RIGHT> to move the marker to the last trace
When a record has been created the top of the view also displays the current Stack On
status, and polarity. The Stack On is displayed by squares above each trace (Figure 18).
If the square is filled the stack for that trace is on, and if the square is open, the same
stack is off (see chapter for information about the stack function). If negative
polarity has been selected for a trace, a minus sign is displayed under the square (Figure
Figure 18 Stack On Status; Traces 1 and 3 are off
Figure 19 Negative Polarity; Traces 1 and 3 have negative polarity
Below the trace marker
is a source indicator. The source indicator is a graphical
representation of the source location. It will not be an exact representation of the source
position but will show between which geophones the source is located. If the source is
positioned outside of the geophone spread the source indicator will be represented by a
beside the first or last trace.
Figure 20 Source indicator; Source located before first geophone