ABEM Terraloc Pro 2
dialog (chapter 4.6.8). Please be aware that a reversed cable can be corrected for in this
Trigger Problems
Correct triggering is essential for the quality of the data from the acquisition, especially
when it comes to timing. This means that you should be very careful when selecting
triggering method and setting up the triggering system. It may not always be obvious
that there is something wrong with the trigger.
8.3.1 Triggering Too Late or Too Early
Erroneous setting of the trigger sensitivity usually causes this when analog triggering
is used. Adjust the sensitivity level so the trigger pulse is detected correctly (chapter
8.3.2 Spurious Triggering
This is usually caused by too high trigger sensitivity, resulting in triggering on pretrig
event noise. Adjust the sensitivity level so the trigger pulse is detected correctly (chapter
If you are using radio triggering, also check the signal levels of the transmitter and
receiver respectively.
8.3.3 Unable To Trigger
The trigger sensitivity might have been set too low, or the type of trigger input does not
agree with the trigger method used. Check the trigger settings (chapter and the
trigger cable; there may be a break in the cable or a bad connection somewhere.
Select "Make/Break" trig input mode (the trigger input level should be about 50%) and
try to short the trigger input by a bare wire. The instrument should trigger when you
make or when you break connection. If the instrument does not trigger, then you might
have a fault in the internal triggering electronics.
8.3.4 Triggering Immediately When Arming
If you are using analog triggering, the trig sensitivity might have been set too high. At
the highest sensitivity level, even internal electronic circuitry noise may cause
triggering (chapter
Remote Diagnostics (VPN)
The Terraloc Pro 2 comes with TeamViewer pre-installed which can be used for easy
remote access of the instrument through a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection.
This allows for remote diagnostics, remote control or software updates.
For the remote access to work the Terraloc Pro 2 needs to be connected to a network
that has an internet connection. It does not matter if connected to the internet by
Ethernet cable or WiFi.
If the LAN has a DHCP service, the instrument will acquire an IP number and most
likely the other required network settings from the DHCP server when the network
service starts. Note that the DHCP server must allow unregistered MAC addresses. If it
does not, the instrument’s MAC address must be registered in it. Please contact your
local network administrator if this is necessary.