ABEM Terraloc Pro 2
trace can be recorded at a time. When <SAVE> is pressed the next
trace will be activated. There is no upper limit for how many traces
can be recorded.
Table 7 Acquisition Modes
4.6.5 The Acquisition Setup Dialog
Acquisition Setup
dialog is a container for four different categories of settings for
data acquisition: sampling, trig, noise and filters (Figure 41). Each category has its own
tab on the dialog and they will be described in separate sub-chapters below. It is also
possible to access them all without closing the dialog in-between.
Switching between setting categories when the dialog is displayed
Press <CTRL> + <TAB> to switch to the next category (tab)
Press <SHIFT> + <CTRL> + <TAB> to switch to the previous category (tab)
SeisTW will remember the latest used combined acquisition settings between sessions.
It is also possible to save the settings to disk and later reload them. The settings are
stored in acquisition settings files (*.acq), which are text files with an ini-file format.
Saving acquisition settings to disk
Press <TAB> until the
button is selected
Press <ENT> (or <SPACE>) to open a save as dialog
Name the file by pressing <NUMBERS>
Press <ENT> to save the file
Reloading acquisition settings from disk
Press <TAB> until the
button is selected
Press <ENT> (or <SPACE>) to open a select file dialog
Press <ARROWS> to select the wanted file
Press <ENT> to reload the file
Restore default acquisition settings
Press <TAB> until the
button is selected
Press <SPACE>
The Sampling Settings Category
These settings control how SeisTW will sample data.