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Abbott Point of Care Inc.

400 College Road East
Princeton, NJ 08540

i-STAT is a registered trademark of the  
Abbott Group of Companies in various jurisdictions.
Art: 716942-00K
Rev. Date: 13-Feb-17

Cartridge Receipt

•  Check the temperature strip included with each shipment.   

Do not use the cartridges if the 3rd or 4th windows on the strip are colored.  
Contact Technical Support at 800.284.0702, option 1.

Cartridge Storage

•  Do not use the cartridges after the expiration date on the cartridge pouch and 



 Refrigerated  Storage

:  2-8 ˚C (35 to 46 ˚F)


Room Temperature Storage

:  Follow instructions on the cartridge pouch 

and box.

Control Storage

•  Do not use controls after the expiration date on the labeling. 


 Refrigerated  Storage

:  2-8 ˚C (35 to 46 ˚F)


Room Temperature Storage

:  18-30 ˚C (64 to 86 ˚F) for up to 5 days.

Cartridge and Control Storage


To protect yourself and others from infection, use standard precautions 
as defined by your  organization or by the Occupational Safety and 
Health Administration (OSHA).

A falling or dropped handheld: place handheld and peripherals on a stable 

Barcode scanner: do not look into laser beam coming from scanner, or 
point into eyes of someone else.

Potential Sources of  
Harm to the Operator
