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3 - Characteristics
Input Side
Absolute maximum DC input voltage (Vmax,abs)
600 V
Start-up DC input voltage (Vstart)
200 V (adj. 120...350 V)
Operating DC input voltage range (Vdcmin...Vdcmax)
0.7 x Vstart...580 V (min 90 V)
Rated DC input voltage (Vdcr)
360 V
Rated DC input power (Pdcr)
3500 W
4250 W
Number of independent MPPT
Maximum DC input power for each MPPT (PMPPTmax)
2000 W
3000 W
DC input voltage range with parallel configuration of
MPPT at Pacr
170...530 V
130...530 V
DC power limitation with parallel configuration of MPPT
Linear derating from Max to
Null [530V≤VMPPT≤580V]
Linear derating from Max to
Null [530V≤VMPPT≤580V]
DC power limitation for each MPPT with independent
configuration of MPPT at Pacr, max unbalance example
2000 W [200V≤VMPPT≤530V]
the other channel:
3000 W [190V≤VMPPT≤530V]
the other channel:
Maximum DC input current (Idcmax) / for each MPPT
20.0 A / 10.0 A
32.0 A / 16.0 A
Maximum return current (AC side vs. DC side)
< 5 mA (In case of failure, limited by the external
protection provided on the AC circuit)
Maximum input short circuit current / for each MPPT
12.5 A / 25.0 A
20.0 A / 40.0 A
Number of DC inputs pairs for each MPPT
DC connection type
Quick Fit PV Connector
Type of photovoltaic panels connectable in input
according to the IEC 61730 standard
Class A
Input protection
Reverse polarity protection
Yes, from limited current source
Input over voltage protection for each MPPT - varistor
Photovoltaic array isolation control
According to local standard
DC switch rating for each MPPT (version with DC
25 A / 600 V
Output Side
AC Grid connection type
Single phase
Rated AC power (Pacr @cosφ=1 )
3300 W
4000 W
Maximum AC output power (Pacmax @cosφ=1)
3300 W
4000 W
Maximum apparent power (Smax)
3300 VA
4000 VA
Rated AC grid voltage (Vac,r)
230 V
AC voltage range
180...264 V
Maximum AC output current (Iac,max)
14.5 A
17.2 A
Contributory fault current
16.0 A
19.0 A
Rated output frequency (fr)
50 Hz - 60 Hz
Output frequency range (fmin...fmax)
47...53 Hz / 57 ...63Hz
Nominal power factor and adjustable range
> 0.995, adj. 0.1 - 1 (over/under excited)
Total current harmonic distortion
< 3.5
AC connection type
Female connector from panel
Output protection
Anti-islanding protection
According to local standard
Maximum external AC overcurrent protection
20.0 A
25.0 A
Output overvoltage protection - varistor
2 (L - N / L - PE)
Operating performance
Maximum efficiency (ηmax)
Weighted efficiency (EURO/CEC)
96.5% / -
96.5% / -
Feed in power threshold
8.0 W
Night consumption
< 0.4W