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7 - Operation
The IP address assigned may vary for reasons connected to the wireless home router setup
(for example, a very brief DHCP lease time). If verification of the address is required, it is
usually possible to obtain the client list (and the corresponding IP addresses) from the wire-
less router administration panel.
The most common causes of losing connectivity might be: different wireless network pas-
sword, faulty or unreachable router, replacement of router (different SSID) without the neces-
sary setting updates.
Where possible, “Station Mode” is always preferable. Thanks to the internet connection, this
mode ensures better operation.
Modbus TCP
In the
Modbus TCP
sub-menu it’s possible to enable exchanging of
data with third party monitoring and control systems over wireless
channel in compliance with Sunspec register map, by setting “ON” the
“Modbus TCP Server” parameter.
By changing “Modbus Power Control” parameter settings to “OFF” only
reading register is enabled.
Debug Settings
In the
Debug Settings
sub-menu it’s possible to enable or disable the
Debugging access for ABB Service purposes.