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8 - Maintenance
ower limitation messages
The equipment can signal possible output power limitations which may
occur on the basis of:
- settings made by the user
- settings required by the grid standard of the country of installation
- protective devices inside the inverter
The messages are shown on the display.
The following table gives the complete list of power limitation messages relating to string in-
verters. Some messages may not be used depending on the inverter model installed.
- Message on display Name of Derating and Cause
- LIMxxx% CODE:00
Power limitation:
The message indicates that the user has set an output power
limitation for the inverter.
LIM xxx% = Power reduction percentage
LIM 100% = no power limitation
LIM 50% = limitation to 50% of the output nominal power
• Check the limitation value set in the “Settings >
Power Reduction” menu
- LIMxxx% CODE:01
Power limitation for over-frequency:
The message indicates that the user has set a power limitation
due to over frequency in order to reduce the maximum output
power of the inverter when the grid frequency exceeds certain
LIM xxx% = Power reduction percentage
LIM 100% = no power limitation
LIM 50% = limitation to 50% of the output nominal power
• Check the limitation value set in the “Settings >
Service Power > OF Derating” menu
- LIMxxx% CODE:02
Power limitation for over-voltage:
The message indicates that the user has set a power limitation due
to overvoltage (parameter U >(10 min)) in order to reduce the maxi-
mum output power of the inverter when the reading of the average
grid voltage exceeds certain limits.
The sampling of readings is done every 10 minutes (U>(10min)).
LIM xxx% = Power reduction percentage
LIM 100% = no power limitation
LIM 50% = limitation to 50% of the output nominal power
• Check the limitation value set in the “Settings >
Service Power > U > (10 min) Der.” menu
- LIMxxx% CODE:03
Anti-islanding power limitation:
The message indicates that a power limitation is active since an
"islanding" condition has been recorded.
LIM xxx% = Power reduction percentage
LIM 100% = no power limitation
LIM 50% = limitation to 50% of the output nominal power
• If the inverter remains connected to the grid and
the limitation is active, contact customer assistance
- LIMxxx% CODE:04
Power limitation due to low grid voltage:
The message indicates that an output power limitation may occur
since a low grid voltage (AC) condition has been recorded.
LIM xxx% = Power reduction percentage
LIM 100% = no power limitation
LIM 50% = limitation to 50% of the output nominal power
• Check that the grid voltage is lower than the mini-
mal voltage. Should this condition persist, contact
the grid operator to resolve the problem.