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7 - Operation
4. Service
This section of the menu is reserved for installers.
A special access password is required, which may be obtained from the
website https://registration.ABBsolarinverters.com.
Before connecting to the site, make sure you have all the information
required to calculate your password: Inverter Model, Serial Number and
week of manufacture of the Inverter
When you have a password you can set the parameters in the menu.
Changing the above-mentioned parameters may prevent disconnection from the grid if the
new values exceed those given in the standards of the country of installation. If these para-
meters are changed to values outside the standard range, an interface protection must be
installed external to the inverter in accordance with the requirements of the country of install-
The table below shows the parameters which cannot be modified.
Set U>>
Grid over-voltage (OV) threshold (extended range)
Set U>
Grid over-voltage (OV) threshold (restricted range)
Set U> (10Min)
Grid over-voltage (OV) threshold (average grid voltage value)
Set U<
Grid under-voltage (UV) threshold (restricted range)
Set U<<
Grid under-voltage (UV) threshold (extended range)
Set F>>
Grid over-frequency (OF) threshold (extended range)
Set F>
Grid over-frequency (OF) threshold (restricted range)
Set F<
Grid under-frequency (UF) threshold (restricted range)
Set F<<
Grid under-frequency (UF) threshold (extended range)
Set Connect
> Set U>Connect
Max. permissible voltage during checks prior to grid connection
> Set U<Connect
Min. permissible voltage during checks prior to grid connection
> Set F>Connect
Max. permissible frequency during checks prior to grid connection
> Set F<Connect
Min. permissible frequency during checks prior to grid connection
> Set Time con.
Grid check time prior to connection
> Set T GridFault
Grid check time prior to connection after a grid fault
Set Slow Ramp
Enables gradual ramping up of power after the grid connection.
Set OF Derating
> OF Der. Mode
Selects the power derating mode in the event of grid over-frequency.
> OF Der. Res. T.
Time period after OF derating in which the inverter checks that the frequency is back within the
operating ranges (parameters “F<Connect” “F>Connect”) required by the grid standard before
ramping up the output from the derating condition.
Reset Latch
Allows the Latch alarms present to be reset manually