60 94-1100-00002874 A0 EN│TruFit™ Power Distribution Unit
PDU Parameter Reset screen
Some metering parameters for the PDU have maximum and minimum values logged over time. The
logging of these values can be reset to start over, as shown below.
To reset a value, click on that value, then click the blue RESET button.
Figure 5-37: PDU Reset screen
Panel configuration settings
The ratings and limits for a selected panel can be viewed or changed on the Panel’s Settings screens,
which are opened by selecting the setting icon (
) under the Panel’s submenu after selecting a panel on
the Metering Overview screen. The user needs to be logged in as ADMIN to change values in these
screens. The values can be viewed with USER access.
Figure 5-38: Panel submenu options with ‘Settings’ icon
Click the blue arrows
to move through the screens.