Table of contents
1. Introduction and general information
Disclaimer and warranty conditions
Function and target of this document
2.1.1 Responsibilities and qualifications for the Users
2.2.1 Risks related to improper use or product defect
General signs and signal words
2.5.1 Safety instructions during transport
2.5.2 Safety instructions during installation
2.5.3 Safety instructions during cleaning or maintenance
2.5.4 Safety instructions during the use
Discard the EVSE or parts of the EVSE
Type plate - Identification of equipment
3.3.1 Overview of the EVSE, outside
3.3.2 Overview of the EVSE, inside
3.3.3 Overview of the cable management system (option)
3.5.1 Sequential power allocation
3.5.2 Concurrent power allocation
3.5.3 Dynamic power allocation ‘Fair Share’
3.6.1 Terra xx4 variants CC, CJ, NC, and NN
Description of the touchscreen
3.7.1 General description of the layout
RFID - Authorization to charge
3.11.5 Cable management system
4. Transport, handling and unpacking
Transport the EVSE to the site
4.1.1 Visual inspection on the packaged EVSE
4.1.2 Visual inspection on the packaged EVSE
5. Access to the internal parts
5.2.1 Open the left and right doors
5.2.2 Close the left and right doors
5.3.1 Remove the border covers
5.3.2 Install the border covers
5.4 Main AC protection barriers
5.4.1 Remove the Main AC protection barriers
5.4.2 Install the Main AC protection barriers
6.1.2 Components supplied with the EVSE
6.2.1 Install the charging cables on the optional CMS
6.2.2 Floor space requirements
6.2.3 Prepare a custom foundation