“Operation and installation manual”
The manufacturer declares that the equipment complies with the regulations currently in force in the country
of installation and has issued the corresponding declaration of conformity.
The manufacturer is not liable for damages, losses, costs or expenses incurred by any user of the EVSE (e.g.
the installation engineer or owner of the equipment) if such damages, losses, costs or expenses result from a
failure to comply with the applicable safety instructions given by the manufacturer, including, but not limited
to, the following:
• Comply with the local rules and the instructions in this manual. If the local rules contradict the instructions
in this manual, the local rules must be applied.
• Power outages or disruptions to the electrical supply to the equipment.
• Accumulation of dirt or ingress of foreign substances within the equipment.
• Corrosion of component parts.
• Damage to software or hardware due to any IT security problem, such as but not limited to a virus breakout
or malicious hacking of the system.
• Damage or failure of equipment caused by vermin, insect infestations or the like.
• Damage or failure resulting from faults in some other equipment connected to the EVSE.
• Damage or loss caused by hazards such as fire, flood, storm or the like or spillage or leakage of chemicals or
harmful substances onto the equipment.
• Fault tracing caused by problems from a source external to the scope of work.
• Unprofessional or incorrect installation, installation not complying to standards, or installation
not following the installation instructions contained in the product specific manual.
• Improper operation (in breach of the technical requirements or specifications or manuals of the product),
negligence or repairs carried out by the Owner (or any third party not authorized by the manufacturer).
It is absolutely forbidden to modify the equipment.
• Non-compliance with the applicable safety regulations or other legal standards by other parties than the
• Insufficient ventilation of the equipment.
• Operation of the equipment outside of its design conditions.
• Damage or failure due to relocations or alterations of the equipment from the original installation location
or alteration of the overall normal condition of the system.
• Only make changes to the equipment if the manufacturer approves in writing of the changes.
• Damage or loss due to improper use of the equipment.
• EV low battery during use.
• Any check to make sure the battery is sufficiently recharged before using the EV.
• Deterioration resulting from transportation or particular environmental conditions;
• Performing maintenance incorrectly or not at all;
• The manufacturer is not responsible for disposal of the equipment, or part of it, which does not take place
on the basis of the regulations and laws in force in the country of installation.
• Damage resulting from improper storage conditions.
2.1.1 Responsibilities and qualifications for the Users
Operators responsible of installation, operation, maintenance and service must:
• Know and implement the applicable laws and rules.
• Identify the hazards and do a risk assessment prior to commercing work that result from the working
conditions on the site.
• Operate the equipment with the protective devices installed and make sure that all protective devices are
re-installed after any installation or maintenance operation.
• Make an emergency plan that instructs people what to do in the event of an emergency relating to the
equipment or to another site emergency.
• Make sure that all employees, the owner and third parties are qualified according to the applicable local laws
and/or rules to do the work.
• Make sure that there is sufficient space around the equipment to safely do maintenance and installation
• Identify a site operator who is responsible for the safe operation of the equipment and for the coordination
of all work, if the owner does not do these tasks.
Moreover the qualified installer must:
• Fully knows the EVSE and its safe installation.
• Be qualified according to the applicable local rules to do the work.
• Obeys all local rules and the instructions in the installation procedures in this document.