CoriolisMaster FCB400, FCH400
Menu: Diagnostics
Menu / parameter
...Diagnosis Control
Selection of submenu ‘...Diagnosis Control’ using
...Diagnosis Values
Selection of submenu ‘...Diagnosis Values’ using
...Drag Indicators
Selection of submenu ‘...Drag Indicators’ using
...Simulation Mode
Selection of submenu ‘...Simulation Mode’ using
...Output Readings
Selection of submenu ‘...Output Readings’ using
...Meter Erosion Mon.
Selection of submenu ‘...Meter Erosion Mon.’ using
...Diag.CurrOut 31/32
Selection of submenu ‘...Diag.CurrOut 31/32’ using
...Alarm Simulation
Selection of submenu ‘...Alarm Simulation’ using
Diagnostics / ...Diagnosis Control
Preset Maint. cycle
Sets the service interval.
After the maintenance interval has expired, the corresponding error message ‘Maintenance interval is reached’ is set. The
setting ‘0’ deactivates the maintenance interval.
Maint. Remain. Time
Time remaining in the maintenance interval until the error message ‘Maintenance interval is reached’ is set.
Start New Cycle
Resetting of the maintenance interval. The service interval is reset to the value set in ‘Preset Maint. cycle’.
Diagnostics / ...Diagnosis Values
Driver Output
Display of the current driver current in mA.
Sensor Singal A
Display of the current amplitude (sensor voltage) for sensor A in mV.
Sensor Singal B
Display of the current amplitude (sensor voltage) for sensor B in mV.
Tube Frequency
Display of the current measuring tube frequency in Hz.
Pipe Temperature
Display of the current measuring tube temperature in °C.
House Temperature
Display of the current housing temperature in °C.
Diagnostics / ...Drag Indicators
...Process Indicators
Selection of submenu ‘...Process Indicators’ using
...Sensor Indicators
Selection of submenu ‘...Sensor Indicators’ using
...Temperature Indic.
Selection of submenu ‘...Temperature Indic.’ using
Reset Indicators
Reset all drag indicators.
Diagnostics / ...Drag Indicators / ...Process Indicators
Mass Flow Min
Display of the minimum / maximum mass flow measured value since the last reset of the drag indicators.
Mass Flow Max
Density Min
Display of the minimum / maximum density measured value since the last reset of the drag indicators.
Density Max