ABB Automation
Protocol Editing Tool
CAP 505
3. Protocol Editing Tool
User’s Guide
The statusbar contains five fields:
1. Current path selected in the navigator tree
2. Status field of the consistency between the opened protocol table structures and
the tables stored in the relay
3. Text indicating whether “autoload” mode is active or not
4. Object type of the object for which the POD tool is started
5. Protocol identification of the opened configuration.
In basic mode the sorting is virtual. This means that the sorting function does not
sort the real protocol table. It is only viewed in a certain way.
The current table can be sorted by different criterion:
• No sorting. The tree is empty.
• By function block. The function blocks are grouped and sorted in an alphabetical
• In alphabetical order. The signal names in the “Identification” field are used as a
sorting criteria (these names are defined by the user).
• By address. One of the Protocol attributes columns can be assumed as a “address”
column and used as a sorting criteria.
• By data type. One of the protocol attributes columns can be assumed as a “data
type” column and used as a sorting criteria.
The available sorting criteria is defined in the protocol image, which can only be
edited by the advanced user.
The main dialog toolbar contains a panel with five buttons for the sorting functions:
No sorting.
Sorting by function block.
Sorting in alphabetical order according to the signal identification.
Sorting by address number in numerical order.
Sorting by data type