CAP 505
ABB Automation
Protocol Editing Tool
User’s Guide
3. Protocol Editing Tool
The same pop-up dialog opens when you edit a single cell without using the “Fast
edit” mode.
The “Fast edit” mode is disabled if you choose cells from more than one column at
a time. The “Text edit” dialog will not appear on the screen. “Fast edit” mode works
only for one column at a time. The reason why the mode is disabled when choosing
more than one column, is that different columns can have different types, and editing
of the cell values is therefore not possible.
Select “Show Signals of InActive Function Blocks” from the “View” menu.
Set Fast edit mode on
Click the “In Use” column header
Edit all fields in one step in the specific column
Exporting tables
The user can export all rows or selected rows from the current table to a text file.
This can be done using the Export command from the File menu or by using the
Export toolbar button. The following dialog appears on the screen when Export is
After pressing OK, a file chooser dialog opens, and the user can set the path to the
text file. The text file contains the cell data of the exported rows in raw text format
(without any conversion) according to the column type or display mode.
You will see some empty columns in the exported file. This is due to the advanced
level functional needs. Some columns are only visible on the advanced level. These
columns will always be printed, although they are not visible at the basic level.