CAP 505
ABB Automation
Protocol Editing Tool
User’s Guide
3. Protocol Editing Tool
POD binary file
A binary file will be created automatically when the Protocol editing tool is closed.
This binary file is created as it may be useful in other CAP 505 tools.
Saving a protocol configuration
A protocol configuration can be saved in the “work” directory, in the “user
templates” directory or in a custom place. The “Save to project” command from the
File menu is used for saving the configuration in the “work” directory. With the
“Save as” command you can choose to save the configuration in the “user”
directory or in another custom directory.
The user template is always stored in the active project. The template is project
specific. If you want to use the same template in another CAP 505 project, you
cannot save it in the work directory or the user templates directory. You have to save
the template in a custom place in order to have access to it from other projects.
A configuration can be chosen from the list or typed manually in the “Configuration
Name:” text field. If a given configuration name already exists, the user will get a
notification of this when he presses the Save button. In the appearing confirmation
dialog the user is asked to confirm or reject the operation.
If you want to save the configuration as a user template, you choose the “User
Template” option and give a name for the configuration. The configuration will be
stored in the project.
Taking backups
It is recommended that you take backups. You can save the backup in the “User
template” directory (see Fig. 3.8.-1) or in a custom place. Choose the “Save in..”
option and browse to a directory where the configuration will be stored.