… 10 Configuration, parameterization
… Description of menus and parameters
Calibration mode “Global”
In the “GLOBAL” calibration mode the device performs reference
measurements of the absorption line width in addition to the
line amplitude.
The calibration constant and reference line width are then
adjusted based on these measurements.
This calibration procedure requires stable and controlled
conditions of the reference gas. It should be performed using a
test cell and a certified mixture of measured gas with nitrogen
and only if it was verified that the current calibration is not valid.
The procedure requires technical skills and some experience in
handling gas mixtures.
As a rule only qualified personnel should perform GLOBAL
calibration after major services. See also
To calibrate the device proceed in the same way as described
above for PROPORTIONAL calibration mode. The only difference
is that the program will ask for a password that is available from
ABB Service.
The GLOBAL calibration, if performed correctly, guarantees the
validity of the calibration parameters in the specified pressure
and temperature range.
Calibration mode PROPORTIONAL/GLOBAL is common for all
gases. Nevertheless, it is possible to calibrate one gas in global
mode and another in proportional mode.
In this case the mode is set to GLOBAL and the line width
measurements for the gas, which should be calibrated
proportionally, must be switched OFF in the <Gas specific
parameters> menu (only for the program running in Advanced
It can be switched back ON after the calibration. Calibration
mode is not applicable to the spectral temperature.
TCP/IP and modem configuration <TCP/IP & modem
TCP/IP parameters of the embedded Ethernet board and the
initializing string of a modem can be configured in this menu.
Figure 45: Menu ‘TCP/IP’
IP address
IP address assigned to the Ethernet board of the device. Default
IP address is typically set to for LAN
The user can assign any free local IP address or a valid global IP
address for direct Ethernet connection.
IP netmask
Subnet mask for the LAN connection. Default net mask is
Port number
Port number for TCP/IP communication.
Default port number is 5001, but the user can assign any free
port number.
Gateway IP address
The address of a server used to route TCP/IP traffic to/from the
Ethernet board to another network. This is normally not needed
for local communication, but may be needed when the Ethernet
board is setup for Internet connection.