Operating Instructions
Information about the IP
Operating Instructions |V1.0
— 5 —
P os: 6.5. 1 /#Neust ruktur#/ Online -Dok ume ntati on ( +K NX )/Üb ersch rifte n ( --> Fü r all e Doku men te <-- )/2. Eben e/S - T/S ym bole des Ha ndb uche s @ 3 0\m od_ 134848 1258296 _15 .docx @ 23851 8 @ 111 1 @ 1
Symbols in the manual
P os: 6.5. 2 /#Neust ruktur#/ Online -Dok ume ntati on ( +K NX )/Hinw eise zu m K NX T echnischen Hand buc h (--> Fü r alle D oku ment e - -< )/S ymb ole d es Ha ndb uches (V ollstä ndig - K NX THB ) /S ymb ole d es Han dbuc hes (Vollstä ndig - K NX THB ) @ 30\mo d_1 348 480 1998 44_ 15. docx @ 23 8490 @ 1 @ 1
Danger - danger to life
This symbol in connection with the signal word "Danger" indicates dangerous situations which
could lead to immediate death or to serious injury.
Warning - danger to life
This symbol in connection with the signal word "Warning" indicates a dangerous situation which
could lead to immediate death or to serious injury.
Caution - risk of injury
This symbol in connection with the signal word "Caution" indicates a possibly dangerous situation
which could lead to slight or moderately serious injury.
Attention - damage to property
This symbol indicates a possibly harmful situation. Non-observance of the safety instructions can
lead to damage or destruction of the product.
Note ...
This symbol indicates information or references to additional useful topics. This is not a signal word
for a dangerous situation.
This symbol refers to integrated videos with additional information on the respective chapter.
This symbol indicates information on the protection of the environment.
Examples on application, installation and programming are displayed with a grey background.
P os: 7 /#N eust rukt ur#/Online -Dok ume ntati on ( +KNX )/S te uer mod ule - Onlin e-Dok um enta tion (-- > Für alle Dok umente <- -)/++ +++ ++++ +++ Seiten um bruc h + +++++ ++ ++++ @ 9\mod_ 126889 866 809 3_0. docx @ 52 149 @ 1 @ 1