Operating Instructions
Integrating mobile end devices
with the Welcome app
Operating Instructions |V1.0
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Integrating mobile end devices with the Welcome app
You can add end devices to the ABB-Welcome system from the Welcome app. The Welcome
app is available in
two versions and supports the iOS and Android operating systems.
You can download the ABB-Welcome app from Google Play or the Apple App Store
directly by entering keyword ”ABB Welcome“.
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Android version 4.0 or higher
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Figure. 28:
Android Version 4.0 or higher
Install the Welcome
app from Google Play on your smartphone or tablet PC.
Open the app and enter your data for access to the myABB-LivingSpace portal.
3. Coupling the IP-Gateway and the APP.
4. Set the pemission of this APP.
Details see section”App Management”.
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