Operating Instructions
Information about the IP
Operating Instructions |V1.0
— 4 —
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Information about the IP gateway
P os: 6.2. 1 /#Neust ruktur#/ Online -Dok ume ntati on ( +K NX )/Üb ersch rifte n ( --> Fü r all e Doku men te <-- )/2. Eben e/A - F/A llge mein e Hinweis e @ 3 0\m od_134 848 1024 126 _15 .docx @ 2 3850 5 @ 2 @ 1
General information
P os: 6.2. 2 /#Neust ruktur#/ Online -Dok ume ntati on ( +K NX )/Hinw eise zu m K NX T echnischen Hand buc h (--> Fü r alle D oku ment e - -< )/A llgem eine Hi nweise /A llgemeine Hi nweise - KNX Te chnisc hes Ha ndb uch @ 30\ mo d_1 3484 791 93040_ 15.d ocx @ 238433 @ 1111 @ 1
Please read this manual through carefully and adhere to the information listed. This will ensure reliable operation
and long service life of your product.
For reasons of clarity this manual does not contain all the detailed information on all the models of the product,
nor can it take into consideration all conceivable circumstances related to installation, operation and maintenance.
If additional information is required or problems arise that are not dealt with in this manual, the necessary
information can be requested from the manufacturer.
The product has been constructed according to the latest valid regulations governing technology and is
operationally reliable. It has been tested and left the factory in a technically safe and reliable state. To maintain
this state for the period of its operation the specifications of this manual must be observed and adhered to.
Modifications and repairs to the product must only be undertaken if the manual expressly permits this.
It is only the adherence to the safety instructions and all safety and warning symbols in this manual that will
ensure the optimum protection of the user and the environment as well as the safe and trouble-free operation of
the product.
P os: 6.3. 1 /#Neust ruktur#/ Online -Dok ume ntati on ( +K NX )/Üb ersch rifte n ( --> Fü r all e Doku men te <-- )/2. Eben e/A - F/A ufb au des Handb uche s @ 2 4\mod_ 133 855 2603 038 _15 .docx @ 21 524 5 @ 222 @ 1
Structure of the manual
P os: 6.3. 2 /#Neust ruktur#/ Online -Dok ume ntati on ( +K NX )/Hinw eise zu m K NX T echnischen Hand buc h/Türko mm unikati on/Busc h-W elc ome II/A uf bau des H andbuch es - 833 41 @ 35\ mod _13 636 119 843 96_15.d ocx @ 288 342 @ @ 1
This manual provides you with the detailed technical information about the device, its installation and
configuration. The use of the device is explained by means of examples.
The chapters "Information on the manual", "Safety", "Environmental information" and "Product overview"
contain general specifications and basic information as well as a description of functions.
Chapters "Technical data" and "Installation and electrical connection" describe the device technology and
installation, mounting and the electrical connections.
Chapters "Integrating" and "Configuration" contain instructions on commissioning and setting up or integrating
the device.
Chapter "Maintenance" contains information about cleaning, fault condition diagnostics and repairing the
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