Operating Instructions
Configuration for IP Gateway
Operating Instructions |V1.0
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In case of a fixed IP address there is the possibility that the device has obtained a new address via
DHCP after the software update.
For a new assignment of the IP address, please observe the details in chapter 5 of the IP gateway
"NTP settings" configuration page
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Fig. 20: "NTP settings" configuration page
The "NTP (Network Time Protocol) settings are used to define with which time signal the IP gateway is
There are two options for synchronisation:
Synchronisation via the Internet
Select the Internet time (NTP) setting.
Add an NTP server.
Five NTP servers will be connected automatically one by one.
pool.ntp.org(default one)
Set the time zone for your location.
Save your entries.
In order to synchronise sucessfully, please make sure the internet connection is available before
power on.
Synchronisation via Busch-ComfortTouch
3.x or by mobile device
Select the setting from the app or
The IP gateway takes its time settings from the panel or from a mobile end device.
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