4 SBC329 3U VPX Single Board Computer
Publication No. SBC329-HRM/1
Signal names ending with a tilde (“~”) denote active low signals; all other signals are
active high. “N” and “P” denote the low and high components of a differenti
al signal
Further Information
Abaco Systems Website
You can find information regarding Abaco products on the following website:
Abaco Documents
You may register for access to manuals via the website whose link is given above.
XMC Installation Application Note, publication number HN4/5-16.
VPX I/O Modules Hardware Reference Manual, publication number VPXIOM-0HH.
BIT for SBC329 Software Reference Manual, publication number FBIT-SBC329-SRM.
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If you are accessing this document in hard copy or downloaded form, check the Abaco website
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Third Party Documents
Due to the complexity of some of the parts used on the SBC329, it is not possible to
include all the detailed data on all such devices in this manual. A list of the
specifications and data sheets that provide additional information follows:
IEEE 1101.1-1998
IEEE Standard for Mechanical Core Specifications for
IEEE 1101.2-1992
Conduction cooled VME mechanics.
IEEE 1101.10-1996
Additional Mechanical Specifications.
ANSI/VITA 42.0-2008
ANSI/VITA 42.3-2006
XMC PCI Express Protocol Layer Standard.
ANSI/VITA 46.0-2007
VPX Baseline Standard.
Serial RapidIO on VPX.
PCI Express on VPX.