Tilting the stair climbing system
To dri ve on slo pes or to climb stairs you must tilt the s-max sel la, which can
be done ea si ly by me ans of the clim ber.
Turn on the s-max sel la by pres sing the ON/OFF switch.
Press the UP/DOWN switch di rec ti on DOWN un til the clim ber lift
the main wheels at least 1-2 cm off the floor (see pic tu re).
Put your foot on the hou sing and tilt the s-max sel la slight ly to ward
you un til you feel that the s-max sel la is ba lan ced.
The s-max sel la is ba lan ced if you feel neit her pull nor push in the
hand le.
In or der to dri ve on le vel ground, the clim ber must be pul led in en ti -
re ly.
If you tilt the s-max sel la furt her, or too much, the sa fe ty bra kes en ga ge and
the s-max sel la can't be mo ved for ward any more.
Operation on slopes
To dri ve on a slo pe, make sure the hand le is ad jus ted ap pro pri at ely (see
chap ter 3.7.1 and 6.7). Now tilt the s-max sel la slight ly bac kwards and pull
in the clim ber entirely (see chap ter 6.8).
6.9.1 Downhill
Dri ve for ward to the edge of the slo pe. In or der to slow down you need to tilt
the s-max sel la a bit more, so that the sa fe ty bra kes are activated.
6.9.2 Uphill
Plea se dri ve bac kwards up a slo pe. In or der to slow down you need to tilt the
s-max sel la a bit more, so that the sa fe ty bra kes are activated.
sel la
· 160 kg