Climbing upstairs
You may only be per mit ted to trans port a per son with the s-max
sella, if you have been pro per ly trai ned in the device’s ope ra ti on.
Plea se al ways prac ti ce clim bing stairs wit hout a per son and by ac ti -
va ting the sing le step mode plus the lo west clim bing speed.
Plea se al ways check the sa fe ty bra kes be fo re each use (see chap ter
6.4 and 8.5).
The clim bing pro cess can be ac com plis hed quic kly and wit hout pro blems if
you ad he re clo se ly to the fol lo wing in struc tions.
A tip be fo re you start:
Al ways pull the s-max sel la a bit bac kwards du ring the en ti re clim -
bing pro cess, i.e. al ways keep the de vi ce un der ten si on so that the
wheels can touch down pro per ly on the next step.
Ad just the hand le to the ap pro pria te height (see chap ter 3.7.1 and
Turn the s-max sel la on by pressing the ON/OFF switch.
Ac ti va te the sing le step mode if necessary (see chap ter 6.2).
Pull in the clim ber to its top most po si ti on by pres sing the UP/DOWN
switch (see chap ter 6.3)
Tilt the s-max sella slight ly to ward you (see chap ter 6.8).
Dri ve bac kwards to the stairs
and move up 2 to 3 steps
Now the s-max sel la is in its in iti al po si ti on for clim bing upstairs.
Make sure that both main wheels touch the lo west step
sel la
· 160 kg