3.7.2 Adjust the handle horizontally
In very nar row stair ca ses or on win ding stairs the hand les may hit the wall.
To be able to dri ve on such stairs the hand les can be ad jus ted ho ri zon tal ly.
Re lea se the tighte ning knob
coun ter cloc kwi se and ad just the hand le ho -
ri zon tal ly to the de si red position. Then retighten the tighte ning knob.
Plea se al ways make sure that the tighte ning knob is se cu re.
Functional check
Plea se check the sa fe ty bra kes each time be fo re using the device
(see chap ter 6.4 and 8.5)!
Plea se also check the sa fe ty brakes’ bra king ef fect as des cri bed in
chap ter 6.4.1 and 6.4.2!
Plea se check the device’s elec tro nic functions each time be fo re
using it (see chap ter 6.10 and 6.11)!
Re gu lar ly check whet her the li ning of the climber's rol lers are
undamaged (see chap ter 8.6)
Make sure that the bat te ry pack is char ged be fo re you use the de vi -
sel la
· 160 kg