Safety brakes
The re are sa fe ty bra kes
lo ca ted on the clim bing unit on both sides.
Plea se check the sa fe ty bra kes each time be fo re you use the s-max
You may check the bra ke ef fect eit her on top of the stairs or on le vel ground
as des cri bed in chap ters 6.4.1 and 6.4.2.
Test the required brake effect
Pull in the clim ber to its up most po si ti on and tilt the s-max sella bac kwards
ap pro xi ma te ly to a 45 de gree an gle of the column
If the s-max sel la can not be pus hed forward
by the hand le in said po si ti -
on, but me re ly rolls bac kwards
, then the re qui red bra ke ef fect for the safe
ope ra ti on of the s-max sel la is gran ted.
If the re qui red bra ke ef fect is not gua ran teed, you may, un der no cir -
cums tan ces, use the s-max sel la any more. Plea se con tact your aut -
ho ri zed AAT dea ler or the ma nu fac tu rer immediately.
Should the bra ke not kick in, you may un der no cir cums tan ces use
the de vi ce. Plea se con tact your aut ho ri zed dea ler or an AAT re pre -
sen ta ti ve im me di ate ly.
6.4.2 Test the required brake effect at the top edge of the stairs
Plea se make this test wit hout a per son sit ting in the chair.
Pull in the clim ber to its up most po si ti on and tilt the s-max sel la bac kwards
ap pro xi ma te ly to a 45 de gree an gle of the column
Dri ve for ward to the first step's edge (wit hout per son). If you can not push the
de vi ce over the edge of the step, the re qui red bra king ef fect for a safe ope ra -
ti on of the s-max sel la is granted.
If the re qui red bra ke ef fect is not gua ran teed, you may, un der no cir -
cums tan ces, use the s-max sel la any more. Plea se con tact your aut -
ho ri zed AAT dea ler or the ma nu fac tu rer im me di ate ly.
Should the bra ke not kick in, you may un der no cir cums tan ces use
the de vi ce. Plea se con tact your aut ho ri zed dea ler or an AAT re pre -
sen ta ti ve im me di ate ly.
sel la
· 160 kg