Description of the product
Adequate use
Plea se use the s-max sel la ex clu si ve ly for the trans por ta ti on of phy si cal ly
disabled per sons.
Said per sons should be able to sit pro per ly wit hout help, ot her wi se you
should se cu re them with a sa fe ty belt. The lat ter is an ac ces so ry avai la ble at
AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH.
In ad di ti on, the arms of the per son to be trans por ted should not pro tru de
over the arm rests du ring the trans por ta ti on pro cess.
In the in te rest of your sa fe ty you may not use the stair clim bing de vi -
ce s-max sel la on es ca la tors or mo ving belts!
Trans por ting ot her kinds of lo ads is ex pli cit ly pro hi bi ted!
Only aut ho ri zed ope ra tors may use the s-max sella. The re fo re ne ver
lea ve the s-max sel la unat ten ded.
Plea se do not use the s-max sella in rain, slip pe ry and wet con di -
tions, snow or ice due to the fol lo wing po ten ti al sa fe ty ha zards, e.g.
dan ger of slip ping re stric ted bra king ef fect etc.
Due to sa fe ty rea sons the s-max sella may only be ope ra ted by trai -
ned per son nel who are phy si cal ly and in tel lec tu al ly ca pa ble to
hand le the de vi ce in all si tua tions of ope ra ti on.
sel la
· 160 kg
Mas te ring stairs
Dri ving on slopes
Dri ving on le vel ground