AAON, Inc.
Customer Service Department
2425 South Yukon Ave • Tulsa, OK 74107
Phone: 918-583-2266 • Fax: 918-382-6364
To order parts from the AAON Parts store
online go to www.aaonparts.com.
• Evaporative cooling equipment rejects heat by
evaporating a portion of the recirculated water
spray and discharging it from the unit with the
hot, saturated air. As the spray water evaporates,
it leaves behind the mineral content and
impurities of the supply water. If these residuals
are not purged from the water distribution
system, they will become concentrated and lead
to scaling, corrosion, sludge build-up and
biological fouling.
• A water treatment monitoring and control
system has been furnished with this unit. Be sure
to read the complete manual that has been
furnished. All water treatment is a combination
of bleed water and chemical treatment for proper
control of the residuals and to prevent any
biological contamination.
Severe Service:
The following recommended maintenance
procedures are basic requirements for normal
operating environments. For severe operating
conditions, the frequency of inspection and
service should be increased. Air containing
industrial and chemical fumes, salt, dust, or other
airborne contaminates and particulates will be
absorbed by the recirculating water system and
may form solutions and deposits harmful to the
products and personnel.
The recirculating water system contains chemical
additives for water quality control and biological
contaminants removed from the air by the
washing action of the water. Personnel exposed
to the saturated effluent, drift, or direct contact
should use proper precaution. Proper location of
the evaporative-cooled condenser requires good
judgment to prevent the air discharge from
entering fresh air intakes or to avoid allowing
contaminated building exhaust from entering the
Follow local and national codes in locating the
evaporative-cooled condenser but as minimum
the evaporative-cooled condenser sump must be
15 feet from the nearest intake.