OXYGEN OPTODE 4330, 4831, 4835
June 2017
page 28 of 93
*) Note! The options “Send line ends with line feeds” and “Echo line ends with line feeds” in the
HyperTerminal ASCII setup must be selected.
Note! If using Tera Terminal Pro, after setting up the com port according to settings above please select
“Terminal” in the “Set up” menu and click “Local echo” also select “CR+LF” for both “Receive” and
“Transmit” under “New line”.
Sensors with default configuration will start by presenting a start-up message when powered up. After
that the sensor will perform a sample (depending on the configuration) and then enter a power down
mode. The sensor can then be awakened by sending any character (Carriage Return, ‘/’ or ‘;’ is often
preferred). By default the serial communication channel will then be active until 1 minute of inactivity at
the serial input.
RS232 Smart Sensor Terminal protocol
All inputs to the sensor are given as commands with the following format:
MainCmd SubCmd
MainCmd Property(Value.., Value)
Description of ASCII coded communication rules:
The main command,
is followed by an optional subcommand (
) or sensor property
and the
must be separated with the space ‘ ’ character.
When entering new settings the
is followed by parentheses containing comma-separated
The command string must be terminated by Carriage Return and Line Feed (ASCII code 13 and 10).
The command string is not case sensitive (UPPER/lower-case).
A valid command string is acknowledged with the character ‘
’ while character ‘
’ indicates an error.
Both are followed by Carriage Return/ Line Feed (CRLF).For most errors a short error message is
also given subsequent to the error indicator.
There are also special commands with short names and dedicated tasks, as
, and
All names and numbers are separated by tabulator spacing (ASCII code 9).
The output string is terminated by Carriage Return and Line Feed (ASCII code 13 & 10).
5.2 Passkey for Write Protection
To avoid accidental change of the sensor configuration, most of the properties are write-protected. There
are five levels of access protection, refer Table 5-1.
A special property called
must be set according to the protection level before changing the value
of properties that are write-protected, refer Table 1-2.