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Aanderaa Data Instruments AS – TD302
Connection to PC
This chapter describes how to connect and communicate with the Pressure Sensor 4117, Tide Sensor 5217 and Wave
and Tide Sensor 5218 using the RS-232 Smart Sensor Terminal protocol. Sensor configuration is described in chapter
4 and 5.
Sensor Cable 3855 (1.5m) is not intended for in water use, it is for sensor setup in an office environment only, for
laboratory or in water use Sensor Cable 4865 to connect pressure Sensor 4117/5217/5218 to a PC.
Note! The connector on Sensor Cable 3855 is made of Aluminum, due to risk of corrosion it is not recommended for
use in saltwater. Same pin configuration as Cable 4865.
Either connect the additional USB plug in a USB port for providing power to the sensor (the USB port normally gives
5V power), or connect the USB plug to an included extension of the USB and connect to external power (5-14V),
Note! If power cannot be obtained from an USB port a practical solution is to use a 9V alkaline battery (6LF22) to set
the sensor up or log data in the laboratory.
Sensor Cable 4865 is also available in other lengths. The cable has a titanium plug, and can be used in applications
that require a direct connection to a PC in RS-232 operations.
Figure 7-1 Sensor Cable 3855.
See Appendix 5 for illustrations of all available cables.
Connection to the
Connection to the
USB port for power
Connection to an
external power
supply (alternative2)
Connection to the PC
serial Port