Congratulations on your purchase of the EmbeddedBlue 505 (eb505) serial Bluetooth
module. The eb505 is designed for direct connection to microcontrollers with a 5V serial
interface enabling wireless communications with other Bluetooth devices including cellular
phones, handheld computers, PCs, and other serial port adapters. Hobbyists, developers,
and OEMs can take advantage of advanced wireless connectivity with this easy to use
The eb505 module provides a point to point connection much like a standard serial cable.
Connections are made dynamically and can be established between two eb505 modules or
an eb505 module and a standard Bluetooth v1.1, v1.2, or v2.0 device. Devices can be
dynamically discovered and connected in an ad-hoc manner.
Manual Conventions
Below is a list of typographical conventions used in this manual:
Text in this font
Is used to show data that is sent to the eb505.
Inside a gray box is used to show data that is sent from
the eb505.
Text in this font
Is used to show source code
In the command set section of this manual
Required parameters and placeholders appear in standard lowercase type.
. For example, if
shows up in a syntax
line, the actual address of the device must be entered.
Required parameter options are separated by a vertical bar |.
Optional parameters are enclosed in brackets [ ].
EmbeddedBlue 505 User Manual
Page 1