Instruction manual BFC
Conversion to a
different gas category
The conversion may only by carried out by a competent person.
If the appliance has to operate on a different family of gases (liquid petroleum
gas or natural gas) or gas category other than that for which the appliance has
been configured at the factory, then the appliance will have be adapted using
a special conversion kit. You can order the conversion kit you need from the
supplier of your appliance. The conversion kit contains all the parts needed to
do the conversion. A description of how to do the conversion is also delivered
with the kit.
The following conversions are possible:
1. Conversion from natural gas to LPG.
2. Conversion from LPG to natural gas.
3. Conversion from natural gas to natural gas or LPG to LPG, if applicable.
After the conversion, you must check that the appliance is gastight and
check the supply pressure, gas control valve pressure, the CO
value and the
switching pressure.
Summary of Contents for Cyclone BFC-28
Page 4: ...E2...
Page 6: ...4 Instruction manual BFC gis...
Page 10: ...Contents 8 Instruction manual BFC...
Page 31: ...Instruction manual BFC 29 is Installation types IMD 0789 R0 C43 C13 C53 B23 C33...
Page 48: ...Conversion to a different gas category 46 Instruction manual BFC 4 is...
Page 58: ...Status of the water heater 56 Instruction manual BFC 8 gis...
Page 62: ...Shutting down 60 Instruction manual BFC 10 gis...
Page 74: ...Service program 72 Instruction manual BFC 12 is...
Page 88: ...Service interval 86 Instruction manual BFC 14 is...
Page 97: ...Instruction manual BFC 95 is...
Page 102: ...Instruction manual BFC 100...