Quick Start Guide
3M™ Model 711 Digital Conversion Station
©3M June 2000
4. After completing the Administrative Settings, touch the
button. Additional Setup and
Settings information can be found by selecting the Help button on the main Conversion
Station screen.
You are now ready to start the conversion process for books.
Tag Conversion of a Book
With a roll of D1 tags installed in the Conversion Station and library parameters set, you may
start operator training or the conversion process. Follow this procedure to convert a book
barcode to a D1 tag.
1. Select conversion type as “
2. Scan the barcode.
3. With the book’s bar code facing up, slide the book under the scan line so that the bar code
can be read. An audible beep is heard when the bar code is successfully read.
4. Program the D1 tag.
5. Remove the D1 tag from the tag dispenser feeder area and place it on or slightly above the
surface of the read/write area on the left side of the work surface.
The audible beep or tag placement sound indicates that the tag has been successfully
The touch screen display will indicate
Adhere tag. Remove this item, then scan next item
6. Place the tag on the inside back cover as specified on the screen. For books, the tags are
to be alternately placed high, middle, and low in the book.
For low placement, the bottom edge of the tag is to be one inch (2 to 3 cm) up from the
bottom of the inside back cover. This is indicated by a single low-pitched beep.
For middle placement, the bottom edge of the tag is to be three inches (7 to 8 cm) up
from the bottom of the inside back cover. This is indicated by two mid-pitched beeps.
For high placement, the bottom edge of the tag is to be 5 inches (12 to 13 cm) up from
the bottom of the inside back cover. This is indicated by three high-pitched beeps.
Place tags as close as possible to the spine of the book without bending or creasing the
tag when the book is shut. This will ensure proper operation.