OF 19
* How to Connect with mainboard: Both 8-way output module and keypad connect to the keypad
port of mainboard.
2.2 Connection of Power supply
2.2.1 Connection of transformer: 2 red wires of transformer connect with AC220V/110V Input
directly, 2 black wires(output AC16.5V) of transformer connect to AC terminal of AC1 and
AC2 on mainboard.
2.2.2 DC12V storage battery connection: The red wire of mainboard connect to the positive of
battery, the black wire of mainboard connect to negative of battery.
2.3 Connection of Wired Detector
2.3.1 Connection of signal wires of wired detector:
There are two connection way to avoid destroy,
cutoff or short connection, see picture:
1, NORMALLY CLOSED: Connecting a 2.7K EOL
resistor in series to the terminal detector of the
loop of each zone; connecting the other end of
the resistor to the signal terminal of wired
detector. One of the signal connector should
be soldered to the resistor. The other end of
resistor should be connected to the other signal
terminal of detector by corresponding signal wire,
and then connected to GND port of main board.
2, NORMALLY OPENED: Connecting a 2.7K resistor in parallel connection to the terminal
detector of the loop of each zone.
2.3.2 Connection of power of Wired Detector: connecting the POSITIVE of wired detector to the
AUX port; connecting the negative to the ground wire GND port.
2.3.3 Connecting the unused zones with 2.7K EOL resistor connection, otherwise the
corresponding indicator light will keep lighting, so that the ARM cannot be set.
Note: Mark wires to avoid miss-connection when using too many wired zones!
2.4 Connection of Siren
Siren Port: The POSITIVE of siren should be connected to BELL end of alarm panel; the
negative should be connected to the ground wire GND.
2.5 Connection of Telephone Line
Phone Communication Port: The exterior line should be connected to LIN1, LIN2. TEL1 and