OF 19
(Group of telephone number: 0 ~ 6 correspond 50~56, means: 1st to 7th group telephone number)
For example: 1.1 Set Mobile phone numbers with SMS alarm:
77 + group of telephone number (1 bit) + 4 + F4 (confirm key).
1.2 Set phone numbers with call alarm(See: 4.15 in page 18):
77 + group of telephone number (1 bit) + 5 + F4 (confirm key).
Set GSM & PSTN dial-up method:
79 + dial-up method (1 bit) + F4
Dial-up method: “0” for only GSM dialing; “1” for using PSTN first, PSTN cut, it will use GSM;
“2” for only PSTN dialing. (Factory default setting: 0)
Select report output format for sending SMS:
32 + Arming (0/1) + Disarming (0/1) + AC power failed (0/1) + Low battery (0/1) + F4. (Factory
default setting: 0)
Select report output format for sending message to alarm center:
33 + Arming (0/1) + Disarming (0/1) + Programming (0/1) + Start (0/1) + F4
34+AC power failed (0/1)+AC power ok (0/1)+Low battery (0/1 +Bus short circuit (0/1) F4.
(Factory default setting: 0)
Set zone responding time:
26 + Zone number (2 bit) + time (2 bit) + F4 (Zone number: 01 ~ 16)
Time parameter: 00~99(00=1/500second, 01=1/50second, (Factory default: 02),
Program the SMS for Remote Arming and Disarming:
Sending the SMS to panel by mobile phone, to realize the remote operation of arming and
SMS Format: User password (6 bit) + “+1” for arming
User password (6 bit) + “+2” for disarming.
Note: Above operation must be under remote control statis: 711+F4 (See: 4.18 in page 18 of
manual ZDAS-16CA-8)
How to Program the SMS for every zone, every event by users
: Program and send
following SMS to the SIM card of GSM panel, if the SMS setting is successfully, the panel will give a
short sound “di” and store these messages automatically, then when alarm is triggered or any event
is happened, the panel will send the corresponding SMS to the users mobile phone. (User
Password: 123456)
User password (6 bit) + Zone number (2 bit) + SMS content for Zone Alarm; Zone number: 01 ~ 16
User password (6 bit) + 17+ SMS content for Arming
User password (6 bit) + 18+ SMS content for Disarming
User password (6 bit) + 19+ SMS content for Fire alarm by keypad
User password (6 bit) + 20+ SMS content for Emergency alarm by keypad
User password (6 bit) + 21+ SMS content for Theft alarm by keypad
User password (6 bit) + 22+ SMS content for AC power failed
User password (6 bit) + 23+ SMS content for Low battery
User password (6 bit) + 24 + SMS content for Bus short circuit
User password (6 bit) + 25 + SMS content for Telephone line cut off
For example: if set SMS content of Zone 2 as “Zone 2, Door Sensor Alarm”, program the SMS:
12345602Zone 2, Door Sensor Alarm, then send the SMS.
8. Set
Boundary Arm, Doorbell function
Only for ZDAS-16CA-16G
Format: 19 + Zone number (2 bit) + Boundary Arm (0/1) + Doorbell (0/1) +
Zone number: 01~16; “1” open, “0” close, Factory setting is “0”,