OF 19
In remote control status: input “1” to start ARM status, if succeed, you will hear a long sound ”Di”,
if not succeed, you will hear 3 short sound “di”; input “2” to disarm, if succeed, you will hear a long
sound ”Di”, if not succeed, you will hear 3 short sound “di”.
3.6.2 Remote Monitor
In remote control status: press “3” can hear the local sound; press “8” to return.
3.6.3 Remote control to drive the siren
In remote control status, press “4” start siren, press “5” close siren.
3.7 Set Receiving Alarm by Telephone:
when user’s phone received alarm telephone from
alarm panel, user can remote control the system by phone or mobile phone. There are 2 methods
as following:
3.7.1 It can be programmed as: (See 4.21) automatically play the recorded voice message after
picking up phone, press “3” to stop playing the recorded voice during playing, input user password
to access Remote Control Status or press “3” to stop playing the recorded voice during playing,
access Remote Control Status directly without user password(see4.20),.
3.7.2 Pick-up the alarm telephone after alarm, press “2” hang up (Panel stop dial-up)
Remote Control Status: Start remote control status by using telephone or mobile phone, press “1”
to start ARM; press “2” to Disarm(stop dial the next phone number after ARM started): press “3” to
start Remote Monitor; press “8” to Return, end monitor; press “7” change recorded voice message,
press “6” play the recorded voice and confirm, press “8” Exit recording voice; press “4” Start siren,
press “5” Close siren and return to remote control status.
Note: the meaning of "1 ", “2”, “3” in Remote control status and Pick up phone operation is
not the same.
3.8 Record:
Recording voice message for alarm reminder thru another phone or mobile phone,
There are 2 recording methods: recording from receiving alarm, recording from Dial-up.
Recording from receiving alarm: Access remote control status after picking up the alarm
telephone(see3.7.2), press “7” to speak what you want to telephone or mobile phone for
recording(10~20 seconds), press “8” exit recording, press “6” play the finished recorded voice
message, then hand-up. If need record new voice, press “7” for recording again till it’s satisfied.
3.8.2 Recording from Dial-up
1, Keypad Input
Installer password (Factory Setting: 666666)
(Confirm Key) Start Set
Start Remote Control Status;
Set Ring time as 2 times;
* #
Exit Set Status
2, Record: Use another phone or mobile phone dial phone number of alarm system, after
connected, input user password (Factory Setting: 123456), there is a long sound “di”, then press
“7” to speak what you want for recording to telephone or mobile phone, press “8” exit recording,