Replacement of the bass and volume controls of the Klipsch ProMedia
Ultra 2.0 speakers
Both the bass and volume controls use a linear taper, 50K resistance potentiometer. The bass control is
single-gang, the volume control is double-gang + rotary switch. This document describes replacement of
both potentionmeters with new potentiometers and a seperate toggle switch that takes the position of the
power LED on the faceplate. To accommodate the new components the faceplate is modified.
Components used:
- Jaycar RP8516 (bass pot – 9mm single-gang linear 50K pot)
- Jaycar RP8710 (volume pot – 9mm double-gang linear 50K pot)
- Jaycar HK7734 (bass and volume knobs)
- NKK G12JPF (illuminated toggle switch)
Tools/other used:
- Screwdriver (say 6mm Phillips and 2mm flat, or thereabouts)
- Soldering iron, solder, wire (thin as possible)
- Hot glue gun
- Drill, drill bits 2.5-12mm, spade bit 10mm
- Spanner/wrench 10mm
- Light sandpaper
Initial disassembly:
1. Turn the speakers off, remove them from mains power, unplug all cables from the main speaker.
2. Remove it's dust cover.
3. Remove the ten screws that secure the faceplate.
4. Remove the faceplate.
Note: The faceplate is leashed to the main body by wiring. It is best to lay the unit on it's side from here on.
5. Remove the three pieces of packing material.
6. Remove the glue from the power LED and free it from the faceplate.
7. Remove the glue that anchors the speaker wiring to body.
8. Remove the glue from the body where it secures the main PCB.
9. Remove the tape from the body where is secures the main PCB.
10. Remove the two screws that secure the rear-mounted PCB.
11. Slide the main PCB out from the body.
Note: Use a pen or similar object to push the main PCB out from behind.