3.2.3 Installing the POD kit on the pipe
For a Ø50 mm pipe, use the adapter labelled "EU". Clip the 2 parts of the POD kit collar together around the
pipe. Make sure that the adapter is properly centred according to the guides; the adapter must stay in this
positi on once all parts have been assembled. Do not use this adapter for a Ø63 mm pipe,
see fi gure
Install the bott om and top collars of the POD kit on the pipe according to the positi on of the holes and the
water fl ow directi on (follow the arrows),
see fi gure
Positi on the top part with its diff erent components in the directi on shown by the foolproofi ng key, align the
of the compression ring with the arrow
of the bott om collar and ti ghten the compression ring
well (ti ghten by hand only!),
see fi gure
To determine whether ti ghtening is correct, check that the compression ring is level,
see fi gure
Pipe adapter Ø50 mm (marked "EU")
Bott om collar Ø63
Directi on of water fl ow
Foolproofi ng key