3.2 I Installing the POD kit
The POD Kit is a measuring chamber using patented Quick Fix® technology for installati on on a rigid 50 mm PVC pipe
(with supplied adapter) or 63 mm PVC pipe (without adapter). It contains the following components:
: Flow switch
pH sensor
ORP sensor
pH minus injecti on
Sensor holder
3.2.1 Recommended positi oning
• The cell bypass valves must always be open.
• The sensor-holding POD kit must always be positi oned on a horizontal pipe so that the sensors
are verti cal.
• The POD kit must be the fi rst unit fi tt ed aft er the pool fi lter.
• If the pool is fi tt ed with an electric heater, the POD kit must be installed upstream of the
heater (to take readings on unheated water).
• We recommend positi oning the POD kit more than 20 cm from an elbow in the pipe.
• The sensor cables must not be positi oned near high voltage mains electricity cables.
pool grounding
pool grounding
In-line installati on
Installati on on a by-pass
If an electric heater is installed (instead
of a heat pump), place the POD kit
before this heater (in order to measure
unheated water). In this case, the fl ow
switch must be placed on the bypass on
the fi xture collar.
pool grounding
Installati on with a heati ng system