©2019 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics
Date: 2019/01/17
User Manual
Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Co., Ltd.
ZDS2000B Series Oscilloscope User Manual
The display screen is divided into two parts. The upper half part is the normal display
view, also called main time base; and the lower half part is the zoom display view,
also called secondary time base, which is a magnified display of the specified area of
a waveform in the normal display view.
(1) Horizontal time-base adjustment of a waveform in the zoom mode
The waveform selected in the
“blue” box is adjusted after entering the zoom mode. If
the normal view mode is selected, users can expand or compress the waveform in
the horizontal direction; if the zoom view mode is selected, users can adjust the size
of zoom window to view the waveform details.
Figure 3-3: Horizontal control area
(2) Waveform translation in the zoom mode
The large knob and time base offset knob are used to adjust the offset of main time
base waveform or secondary time base zoom window so that user can observe the
waveforms at different positions, as shown in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4: Waveform/zoom window translation
The large knob is used to quickly move main time base waveforms and secondary
time base zoom windows. The wider the range of the large knob is turned, the faster
the zoom window moves. The horizontal offset knob is used to slowly move main time
base waveforms and secondary time base zoom windows.
(3) Waveform play/pause
When the memory depth is large, much waveform data can be recorded, but the
whole waveform signal may not be observed completely. However, user can press