allows you to put the shaft all the way into
the collet, and still have a 3/16 gap between
the strut and drive dog. This is needed
because the flex shaft will twist slightly at
high speeds, and actually get shorter.
Set the strut so that it is level with the tub
bottom, and touching the ski bottom.
You may have to cut some of the strut so
that it sits on the very end of the ski
Turn on the radio.
Make sure that the steering trim is in the
center. Move the steering servo arm so that
it is straight up. Put the servo arm screw in.
Mount the throttle servo arm so that it is at
about 2 o’clock with the trigger at neutral.
Put the servo arm screw in.
Install the servos and pushrods again, only
this time, glue pushrod seals in place with
Goop. Mount your receiver and battery
pack with double sided tape or Velcro.
Assemble the fuel tank and mount with
Velcro as well.
Mount the rudder and attach the pushrod.
Screw the clevis in or out to center the
rudder. Check for correct rudder movement.
Attach the throttle pushrod clevis to the
carb arm, and put an EZ connector in the