Acid brush bent for “all up and under”.
Lid frame glued in place. 21G2 shown.
Tub top in place. Note that it is centered on radio box lip.
Sand the top of the tub, so that the sheeting
has a flat surface for gluing.
Glue the aft lid frame in place. This frame
provides the “lips” for the radio box lid.
This fits in the lower portion of the aft end of
the tub, sitting on the lid frame support
glued to the back of bulkhead 2.
Allow to cure.
Sand the frame, and glue the tub top
sheeting in place with 30 minute epoxy.
Make sure that the sheeting is flush with the
transom and is centered. Look at the “lip” all
around the radio box and make sure that it
is centered as well.
Tape and weight until cured.
Once the top sheeting has cured, sand the
front of the tub flat and square. Glue the
pine tub nose block to the front of the tub.