Strut sitting on ski with shaft tube cut flush.
Ski being test fit.
The rear of the ski should line up with the
rear of the transom, and the front should
blend into the tub bottom. Sand the front of
the ski sheeting so that it blends to nothing.
Be sure the shaft tube is just touching the
ski sheeting, and level with the tub bottom.
Measure from both sides and make small
alignment marks for the ski.
Using 30 minute epoxy, seal the bottom of
the tub in the area of the ski, and epoxy the
ski in place. Be sure that the inside of the
ski is sealed with epoxy.
Tape and weight the ski, check alignment,
and allow to cure.
Turn Fin
Sharpen the outside of the turn fin.
Mark the center of the turn fin dowels.
Drill 3/32 pilot holes on your marks.
Attach the turn fin with the supplied sheet
metal screws and washers.
If you have a bottom overhang on the
sponson, sand it flush where the fin
contacts it.
Note that you can later fine tune the fin with
the oversized holes.
Remove the turn fin in preparation for