802253UK - Boiling chilled residential installation instructions - Aug 2015 - V2.02
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Filter / softener installation
An external filter / softener may be fitted to reduce the incidence of scale build up in the hot tank or may be
supplied at the customer’s request. (Scale filter head fitting kit order code ZT200G4).
Choose a suitable location, (cupboard back or side wall)
within the reach of the braided hoses.
Mount the filter head bracket in an upright position, using
the screws supplied in the ZT200G4 kit.
Ensure there is enough headroom for the filter cartridge
to be easily fitted and removed. *Allow a min. 80mm
base clearance.
Attach the hoses as adjacent diagram, noting the flow
directions as marked on the filter head.
3.5 Mounting the filter head
*Min. 80mm
Clearance to cabinet
3.6 Cartridge installation and flush.
• Remove the sanitary cap from the new cartridge and make sure
the o-rings are correctly positioned.
• Moisten o-rings with water. Do not use any petroleum products
to lubricate the o-rings.
• Install cartridge with a quarter turn anticlockwise until cartridge
comes to a complete stop.
• Cartridge installation is complete.
The following instructions to flush the filter must be
undertaken AFTER commissioning of the complete HydroTap
system, see section 5, Commissioning, page 31.
• Disconnect the braided hose from the filter outlet on the filter
head (out arrow) & insert the filter flush pipe (plastic pipe).
Direct the pipe into a container of greater than 10 litre capacity.
• Turn the mains water supply on.
• Use the HydroTap
G4 to dispense boiling water. After a short
time water will flush through the filter into the container.
• Allow 10 litres of water to flush through.
• Turn the mains water supply off.
• Remove the filter flush pipe (plastic pipe) from the filter outlet,
and refit the braided hose from the Command-Centre
• Turn the mains water supply on.
• If a booster is fitted, turn the power to the booster off and
use the HydroTap
G4 boiling lever to dispense water for 30
seconds, allow the tank to refill.
• Turn the power to the booster on and dispense boiling water for
a further 30 seconds.
• The filter / softener flush is complete.
Filter Label