Rev. B
K:\GRUPPE\QS\MDD-Doku\Service Handbuch soleoline.doc
10.4.3. Slave Processor
Error /Error
Error /Error
no error
selftest: 200V supply too high
general error
selftest: 12V supply too low
illegal case state in graph
selftest: 12V supply too high
illegal action state in graph
selftest: 12VA supply too low
attempt to deref. a NULL pointer
selftest: 12VA supply too high
command was not executed because system
is locked
selftest: ImVolt not 0 though switched OFF
unknown command received
selftest: Head Overvoltage detected on selftest -
-> head probably not connected
communication request for non implemented
selftest: Im-voltage lower than expected
attempt to set a value that is not allowed
selftest: Im-voltage higher than expected
attempt to set an idxed value with a wrong
US too high head voltage was measured -->
head probably disconnected
attempt to read
US too low head voltage was measured -->
probably IVolt failure
cannot execute CMD, still busy with previous,
please repeat
US time between measurement pulses was
much longer than allowed
attempt to write to a read-only parameter
US communication with US-Head failed
illegal or incomplete EM parameter set ->
cannot start therapy
US head overtemperature
illegal or incomplete US parameter set ->
cannot start therapy
EM overcurrent detected by SW in fast context
selftest: 200V supply too low
EM overcurrent detected by HW
selftest: 1.5V supply
EM CC: high Zload, cable break
selftest: ImVolt not 0 though switched OFF
EM CV: high Zload
selftest: ImCurr not 0 though switched OFF
EM CV: low Zload, short circuit
selftest: ImVolt lower than expected
EM CC: low Zload, short circuit
selftest: ImVolt higher than expected
EM overcurrent detected by SW
selftest: Reference resistor A voltage is not 0
EM output voltage limit reached
selftest: Reference resistor B voltage is not 0
US-Head EEPROM: unexpected NACK
selftest: Reference resistor voltage is lower
than expected
US-Head EEPROM: verify error ofter writing
selftest: Reference resistor voltage is higher
than expected
US-Head EEPROM: write timeout
selftest: EM current is not 0
US-Head EEPROM: CRC error
selftest: EM current is lower than expected
US-Head temperature sensor: unexpected
selftest: EM current is higher than expected
US-Head temperature sensor: illegal value
selftest: EM voltage A is not 0
H-bridge overtemperature
selftest: EM voltage B is not 0
IM overcurrent
selftest: failed to set relays-enable-flipflop
PC_12V error
selftest: failed to reset relays-enable-flipflop
PC_12V_A error
selftest: hardware overcurrent detector failed
Warning to user: the DSP software is a debug