Rev. B
K:\GRUPPE\QS\MDD-Doku\Service Handbuch soleoline.doc
10.3.6. The message “Water container full” is displayed
Any running therapy can be completed after the message is closed by clicking on it. The message
indicates that the water separator tank of the suction wave module must be drained. To drain the water
please connect the delivered bottle to the quick connector and pump the water from the water
separator. Please disconnect the bottle after the water has been drained.
10.4. Error Messages
Important hardware components are tested while the device is starting up and at times while the device is operating.
If an error is detected during the test, ongoing treatment sessions are terminated, all inputs and outputs are disabled
and an error message appears. In addition, an acoustic warning is given that is repeated every three seconds. These
error measures protect the patient by bringing the device into a safe status.
The error messages appear on the display. Therapy is no longer possible; there is only the option
to switch off the device.
Many errors can be resolved by shutting off the device, waiting 1 minute and re-starting the
device. These errors are referred to as fleeting errors, which do not influence continued operation
of the device.
If error messages indicating excessive temperature appear, the device should be switched back
on only after 30 minutes have passed, since an excessive temperature situation exists. The
requires time to cool down. This may be caused by high outside temperatures.
10.4.1. General description
Error xxxxx/y/zz
Xxxx Up to 5digits
- numbers from 1-999 indicate errors of the Slave processors
- Numbers starting at 1000 and higher indicate errors of the Master Processor
Shows which processor messages the error
zz More detailed error description (Zimmer internal use only)
10.4.2. Master Processor
Error /Error
Error /Error
general error
An unexpected watchdog reset occurred
Cancel the Sreen or Popup
Stack boundary violation
illegal case state in graph
an exception has occurred
illegal action state in graph
A timeout has occurred
Value was not in range
illegal date
Nullptr detected
illegal time
not enough heap memory
No button of This window was pressed
unknown Error
Window which should be created still exists
Function called in illegal context
Channel used here is not the right one
execution flag was not false, smthg wrong
No Valid Value is passed
Ticker tasks overflow
Unknown id received from IrDA
Slow Ticker tasks overflow
A program has been loaded in the Proghandler
before trying again to load a program
Watchdog test failed, did not reset the CPU
No program has been loaded in the Proghandler
before trying to access the program